Things I don’t have to make up

July 14, 2010 at 6:55 am (The Internet Is Full of Things)


No, not going the Dan Brown route.  But it’s still something to consider for future stories.

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July 13, 2010 at 7:28 am (Cons)

Had a fantastic Readercon, full of stories and new books and wonderful people and ideas just starting to fizz in the back of my head.  Readercon’s always a slightly strange con for me — I spend half the time having fun conversations and the other half thinking “wow, these people are too cool for me to strike up a fun conversation.” Or, when I do, I can’t hear half of what’s being said. When the cyborg revolution takes over, I’m going to want subtitles for all conversations scrolling across my ocular implants.

(Obviously, my trouble hearing conversations in crowded rooms has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that this 4th of July, the resident organist and I ended up watching the fireworks from across the street — as in, we could see the pyrotechnicians running back and forth.  Half the time I had to remind myself to watch the fireworks, not the people.  Boom!)

Anyway, it was a great con, full of too-short conversations and fascinating stories.  And now, on to the next project, which at the moment involves fixing a crop of short stories so I can have those out the door.

Oh, and the reaction to what I read of Soul Hunt was very encouraging. It also made me wish I had a better “evil author” laugh.

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Readercon this weekend

July 7, 2010 at 9:05 am (Cons)

It was pointed out to me recently that my blogging tends to be long periods of silence punctuated by “Con!”  Unfortunately, this post is no different; I’ve been in hiding again (synopses, short stories, attempting to figure out which of the many next big projects I want to take on) and am emerging for Readercon.  Not much is on my schedule, and it’s all concentrated Friday night, so that means afterwards I’ll be free to embarrass myself gleefully enjoy the con stress-free.

My schedule:

Friday, 6:00: Beneath Ceaseless Skies Group Reading (Scott H. Andrews (+host), Anne Cross, Tom Crosshill, Michael J. DeLuca, Erin Hoffman, K.J. Kabza, Margaret Ronald.)
Readings from the semimonthly online zine of literary adventure fantasy edited by Andrews. (60 min.)

Friday, 8:00: Margaret Ronald reads from the third in her urban fantasy series, Soul Hunt.  (30 min.)

And that’s it. As is often the case at Readercon, I feel a little more at ease listening in to the panels rather than attempting to contribute, and if this is anything like other years, I’ll come out with a few new ideas percolating in my head.  At the moment, though, I’m just looking forward to the air conditioning.  Oh dear Lord, the air conditioning.  Why did I ever think I could make it through the summer with just some fans?

Off to go stick my head in the freezer again.

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